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School Kids

Ama Mexico

Families Together

Ama Mexico is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded to help keep families together.


We provide financial assistance so poverty-stricken children in Mexico are able to attend Colegio Libertad K-12 schools.


Join our efforts by purchasing from our charity shop, purchasing a ticket to attend one of our events, or making financial contribution.

Mexican Folk Dancers

​Celebrating Mexican Design & Style

Join our Efforts - ​Visit our Charity Shop!

We celebrate Mexican style and design by selling Mexican themed items via our

Ebay Gift Shop - where 100% of the profits go to funding tuition and paying school related expenses for children who would otherwise not be able to attend.

Outdoor group gathering selfie

Celebrating the Spanish Language

Coming Soon - Attend our Events!

We celebrate the rich culture of Mexico by hosting events that inspiring personal growth

and creativity - where 100% of the profits go to funding tuition and paying school related expenses for children who would otherwise not be able to attend.

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